Reminders from the Health Office
Common ways to limit the spread of germs:
- Stay home from school and activities if you are sick.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- Clean your hands often. Hand washing for 20 seconds several times a day helps control the spread of germs and protects you from germs.
- Students should not come to school until 24 hours after the last bout of illness symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, fever 100 degrees or higher) without fever reducing medications.
- If your student has been diagnosed with strep throat they will not be able to return to school until 12 hours after starting an antibiotic and are fever free/well to participate in school.
- If you have illness symptoms, consider taking a Covid test.
- Call the attendance line if your student has a reported case of Strep throat, Covid, influenza, or influenza-like symptoms (fever with cough or sore throat).
If you have questions or to report an absence, please call the health office 612-668-2766. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our school healthy!
Licensed School Nurse Traci Cruikshank:
School LPN Jelisa Burns: